
Implementation Recommendations


The following are general recommendations for securing containers and Kubernetes.

4.1 Host Recommendations

The following are recommendations for securing the host:

  1. Run docker engine with flags per CIS Docker Community Edition Benchmark: v1.1.0 and NIST Special Publication 800-190 [6].
  2. Check for compliance by running docker-bench against the host. Flags can also be found in the Security Controls Mapping to Docker and Kubernetes document available on GCpedia.
  3. Other high-level recommendations for hosts include:
    • Enabling AppArmour or SeLinux on hosts (per host instructions)
    • OWASP Version control Package testing
    • Vulnerability checking (based on CVE scores, scanned in dev, CI/CD, prod)
    • Control parameters (flags)
    • Use linux namespaces
    • Utilize Seccomp/seccomp-bpf [^4]
    • Configure Cgroups
    • Use R/O Mounts
    • Update host patches
    • Run CIS Benchmark security tests [14]

4.2 Image Builds

Containers are comprised of layered images specified in a Dockerfile, which includes a base OS, libraries and dependencies. Since vulnerabilities can be introduced at each layer of the image, containers should be as minimal as possible, with all components from trusted sources (provenance).

This starts by using trusted and optimized images with no (major) CVE vulnerabilities; and using only trusted versions and registries (trusted dependences, signed images, secure and trusted registries). For some builds (i.e. FROM golang), consider a multi-stage build to reduce size, unnecessary libraries and vulnerabilities.

Organizations should evolve established processes to better fit containerized application build and deployment. A sample of specific image build considerations include:

4.3 Container Security Brokers

Container security brokers can help automate compliance checking, logging, access control and other functions for each step of the container lifecycle. Container security brokers (CSB) test and verify images, reduce risk exposure; provide trust, integrity, assurance; resource and access control; protect processes and network access and secrets. Container Security Brokers/Firewalls, such as Cloudvisory, NeuVector, Twistlock, Alcide, Sonatype, Aqua can implement the following configurations [15] on hosted, managed and even CSP-provided services:

4.4 Orchestration - Kubernetes

Specific flags for hardening Kubernetes can be found in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark: v1.2.0. Open source tools to verify configuration and compliance to CIS Benchmark include and kube-bench and

As the number of containers in organizations increases, DevSecOps teams recognizing the need for orchestration and day 2 management are increasingly turning to Kubernetes. High-level recommendations and best practices for securing Kubernetes include:

Further details can be found in accompanying GC Guidance for Secure Platform Deployment and other resources, such as the Ultimate Guide to Kubernetes Security [13], [17], Exploring Container Security: An Overview [18] and NIST Special Publication 800-190 Application Container Security Guide [6].

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