
Additional Micro-services and Container Security Guidelines


The following section provides additional guidelines.

5.1 Securing Platform


Multi-tenancy within a single Kubernetes (K8S) cluster is one of the key drivers for digging into the security implications of different deployment patterns. The most secure approach is to only deploy a single application per K8S cluster, but this becomes very inefficient in terms of resource usage and operational maintenance of the utilized infrastructure.

Throughout the following sections, we will illustrate different options for isolating and separating workloads, as well as best practices when establishing your application architecture.

To get started, it is worth briefly covering the difference between a container runtime and traditional VM based workload isolation, as it illustrates the importance of some of the concepts we will cover.

Hard Workload Isolation

The most fundamental difference between containers and virtual machines (VMs) is related to the host, or kernel environment in which they run. Each VM runs its own guest operating system and as such, has its own kernel. In contrast, a container shares the underlying operating system’s kernel with all of the other containers on that host.

The differences between containers and VMs is well documented on the internet, so I am not going to rehash everything here. As a simple illustration, the following diagram shows the components of an application as it relates to either VMs or containers.

The image depicts a comparison between two sets of
application components: VMs, and Containers. Both diagrams
 start with a large rectangle at the bottom labeleled 'Infrastructure'.  
 Then, above that,a smaller rectangle labelled 'Hypervisor' on the VMs side,
 and 'Operating system' on the Containers side. Then, above that on the
 Containers side is a 'Container Engine', and then multiple sets of smaller
  rectangles above that for Bins/Lib 1 to n and above each one of those,
  corresponding 'App' 1 to n. That completes the Containers side.
  On the VMs side, instead of the Container Engine, there is 'Guest OS' 1 to
  n, and then the rest of the diagram above that is the same as the one for
  Containers, with 'Bins/Lib' and 'App' 1 to n.


In general, containers are preferred for their fast start and recycle time, and lower memory footprint on the physical host, allowing for more workloads to be run on the same physical infrastructure. Additionally, there have been massive amounts of work put into container lifecycle and scheduling technologies, such as Kubernetes, which make containers very attractive to application owners. The container landscape has exploded in the last few years, making for a vibrant ecosystem of vendors and open source technologies, all working to improve the life of developers and operators.

In contrast, VMs follow more traditional rules as it comes to automation and lifecycle management, but offers security realms that are more widely understood.

Running workloads in VMs provides the most isolation from an application perspective, but with a thoughtful approach, you can achieve similar isolation in containers through scheduling techniques, covered below.

This is an area of the market which has been moving very quickly, exploring paths to bring together the speed of containers with the isolation of VMs.

In addition to handling container workload isolation via scheduling and placement rules, a lot of innovation is currently happening around kernel isolation inside a container. Some technologies to watch as a way to illustrate the diversity of approach are; Clear containers, unikernels, gVisor, KubeVirt, libvirt, Nabla Containers, Ignite, and MicroVMs. Ensure you understand the speed/isolation tradeoffs of the technologies you choose.

In this document we’ll focus on the isolation properties of the commonly deployed combination of docker/containerd and Kubernetes.

Soft Workload Isolation

Kubernetes provides an isolation mechanism called “namespaces”, which provides basic workload separation. Namespaces allow you, through resource quotas, to divide up the available resources in a cluster into the different user groups.

Essentially, namespaces are a user access boundary which ensures that users are only able to operate on the resources within their namespace. This alone does not isolate workloads from each other on the physical hosts, only the user’s ability to access the running workloads in the cluster. Two workloads running in different namespaces can, and will, run on the same physical host, the main functionality that namespaces offer is the ability to define the group of users who have access to view/modify those workloads.

Possible Attack Vectors

With traditional architectures, the attack vectors tended to be limited to the VMs and the services provided by those VMs. When working with micro-services and containers, there are additional layers of attack surface which are important to understand. Kubernetes offers the ability to distribute workloads across multiple nodes, while also offering platform level services such as namespace isolation and role based access control (RBAC). In addition, Kubernetes enables the use of a wide range of ecosystem provided services, such as ingress, storage, certificate management, service mesh, and so on. While it is important to understand the attack vectors associated with these ecosystem services, in this context, we will focus mainly on the platform architecture and the attack vectors associated with it.

Kubernetes organizes the nodes it manages into clusters. Each node has a kubelet service which manages the registration of the node with the Kubernetes API service as well as ensuring that the pods scheduled on the node are healthy. The Kubernetes API service is one of the services which are core to the functionality of the Kubernetes control plane, as it manages the configurations associated with constructs such as pods, services, replication controllers, and so on. The Kubernetes API service essentially represents the shared state of the objects managed by the platform. While the API service represents the state, the etcd service is the actual storage mechanism where that state is stored and maintained. I am not going to get into the finer points of the architecture, but suffice it to say that there is a control plane which represents the deployed objects and the rules for how they are implemented on the physical infrastructure. The kubelet service runs locally on each node and interacts with the API service to ensure that objects delegated to its node are functioning correctly.

Workloads running in Kubernetes are organized in Pods. Inside a pod, you can have one or more related containers running. The container houses the actual application code which delivers the expected business logic. Pods are organized in namespaces for separation.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how the different components fit together, the following diagram illustrates some areas which should be reviewed to ensure the different components of the architecture are protected appropriately. Throughout this document we will introduce different ways to manage application scheduling and isolation to help you understand what placement rules your application should take into consideration.

The image contains an outer rectangle labelled 'Cluster', with two
rectangles inside that, each called 'Node'. The first Node contains a
three-dimensional disc, or low cylinder, labelled 'etcd', and a dashed-border rectangle
labelled 'Control-plane components'. There are arrows pointing to each
object, with additional messaging attached to each arrow: 'Access to machines/VMs' points to Node; 'Access via Kubernetes API or Proxy' points to 'Control-plane components'; 'Access to etcd API' points to 'etcd'; and 'Intercept/modify/inject control-plane traffic' points to the inside of the Control-plane components. All of the above arrows are black, except the Intercept/modify/inject arrow, which is red.
The second Node contains a rectangle labelled 'Kubelet', and another rectangle
 labelled 'Pod'. Inside the Pod is a 'Container' rectangle, and inside that,
 an 'Application' rectangle. These objects have arromediaws as well: - 'Access via Kuelet API' is a black arrow pointing at the Kubelet rectangle; - a red arrow points from Application to some text: 'Escape  container to host through vulnerability or volume mount';- another red arrow points from 'Intercept/modify/inject application traffic' to Application; and - a final, black, arrow points from 'Exploit vulnerability in application code' to Application. ds

Workload Scheduling & Placement

Containers have dependencies among themselves, dependencies to nodes, and resource demands, and all of that changes over time too. The resources available on a cluster also vary over time, through shrinking or extending the cluster, or by having it consumed by already placed containers. The way we place containers impacts the availability, performance, and capacity of the distributed systems as well. This section covers the scheduling considerations when a workload is scheduled on a node and how Kubernetes manage it.

Taints & Toleration

Taints and toleration are used to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes.

One of the most common examples is to ensure that user workloads are not scheduled on the ‘master’ nodes. Taints are applied at the node level and the pod scheduling (toleration) will respect the applied taints. Taints are essentially the opposite of an affinity rule.

There are a number of built in taints which are available out of the box.

Key Description Node is not ready. This corresponds to the NodeCondition Ready being False. Node is unreachable from the node controller. This corresponds to the NodeCondition Ready being Unknown. Node becomes out of disk. Node has memory pressure. Node has disk pressure. Node’s network is unavailable. Node is unschedulable. When the kubelet is started with “external” cloud provider, this taint is set on a node to mark it as unusable. After a controller from the cloud-controller-manager initializes this node, the kubelet removes this taint.

Reference the documentation for more detail on taints and toleration.

Affinity & Anti-Affinity

Pod Affinity/Anti-Affinity

You should be using Pod Affinity when you are asking the question:
“Should I run this Pod in the same place as this other Pod?”

Pod Affinity/Anti-Affinity enables you to restrict which nodes your pod can be scheduled to through the pod specification file. In this case scheduling will be based on pods that are already running on the node, rather than based on labels on the nodes. This mechanism enables you to manage the risk of two pods running on the same physical host. There are two enforcement levels for this mechanism; “preferred” and “required”. As the names suggest, required will force the application of the rule, while preferred will only attempt to make it so. Additionally, you can use both required and preferred rules together, in which case the node must match the required rules prior to the preferred rules being evaluated.

Node Affinity/Anti-Affinity

You should be using Node Affinity when you are asking the question:
“Should I run this Pod on this Node?”

Node Affinity can be used to segregate workloads to designated nodes to ensure sensitive data can be limited to a subset of the physical hardware. This can be important due to the fact that namespaces are virtual segmentation as the different containers are essentially processor sharing within the same kernel. Node Affinity is a way to ensure that you have kernel separation between specific workloads.

Node Anti-Affinity can be used to provide high availability to a workload by ensuring that the workload is spread across physical infrastructure. This ensures that if a single physical host fails in some way, the workload uptime is not impacted.


Cluster Authorization

The access controls are implemented on the Kubernetes API layer (kube-apiserver). When an API request comes in, the authorization permissions will be checked to see whether the user has access to be able to execute this command.

There are two different layers which RBAC can be applied to.

Roles and RoleBindings are associated with namespaces, while ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings are associated with clusters.

Role and ClusterRole behave the same, but in different contexts. A role defines the rules associated with that role. For simplicity, I will simply refer to roles to represent this functionality unless specificity is required.

Roles are additive, so the resulting permissions are based on the unioning of the rules associated with the roles.

RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding behave the same, but in different contexts. A RoleBinding associates a user with a role and a context (namespace or cluster).

The image depicts two rectangles, one labelled 'Namespace', containing a
'Role' rectangle pointing to a 'RoleBinding' rectangle, and the other labelled
'Cluster', containing a 'ClusterRole' rectangle pointing to a 'ClusterRoleBinding'

Service Mesh

A service mesh is a programmable framework that allows you to observe, secure, and connect micro-services. It doesn’t establish connectivity between micro-services, but instead has policies and controls that are applied on top of an existing network to govern how micro-services interact. Generally a service mesh is agnostic to the language of the application and can be applied to existing applications usually with little to no code changes.

A service mesh is a security layer which is enforced closer to the application layer. A service mesh essentially creates a Zero Trust network implementation where you manage your security posture based on the application architecture.

A Service Mesh is the result of the natural evolution in implementing the Single Responsibility Principle in the micro-services architecture. It offloads some platform-related activities (such as mTLS enforcement, JWT validation) from the applications.

The most widely recognized service mesh for Kubernetes is Istio, but it is by no means the only option. Linkerd, Consul Connect, Maesh and many more are available with slight modifications to the implementation, but generally offering the same security principles. I will speak generally about service meshes, but keep in mind that not every service mesh implements the same set of features, so please verify which service mesh is the best fit for you based on the features you care about. Following is a list of behaviors commonly found in a service mesh implementation:

Many service mesh implementations have the same general reference architecture. A service mesh will have a control plane to program the mesh, and client-side proxies in the data plane which handles all incoming and outgoing traffic to that pod and validates security conformance with the control plane. The control plane is responsible to transfer configurations to the proxies in their native format.

Access Control and Policy Enforcement

Access control policies evolve as the business requirements change – so, every time we have to change our access control policies, changing the micro-service code is not a good practice.

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a lightweight general-purpose policy engine that has no dependency on micro-services. You can use OPA to externalize access control policies and define fine-grained access control policies and enforce those policies at different places in a micro-services deployment.

OPA is capable of defining policies which govern a wide range of actions and compliance controls across the entire Kubernetes ecosystem. OPA casts a wider net than the deprecated Istio Mixer project, which focused primarily on policies around traffic management. There are a number of policy management tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem, however most of them only focus on a subset of the functionality. OPA has quickly become the default tooling for managing policies in a Kubernetes ecosystem, but it is by no means the only option.

With OPA, you define rules that govern how your system should behave. These rules exist to answer questions like:

Services integrate with OPA by executing queries when policy decisions are needed. When you query OPA for a policy decision, OPA evaluates the rules and data (which you give it) to produce an answer. The policy decision is sent back as the result of the query. For example, in a simple API authorization use case:

Policy enforcement systems could be integrated with API gateways to enforce the policies at the API gateway level. The following figure illustrates the sequence of events that happens when an API gateway intercepts client requests to apply authorization policies using OPA.

5.2 Securing Container Runtime

In order to run containers securely, we aim to do the following:

Least-Privilege Security Settings

Say No to Root

According to the principle of least privilege, it would make sense to run a container as a non-root user. There are however some exceptions:

Use a read-only root filesystem

A common attack pattern in a compromised container is for attackers to write an executable file that they will then run. If your application code doesn’t need to be able to write into the filesystem inside the container, the readOnlyRootFilesystem setting prevents that approach.

Limiting host volume mounts

Certain sensitive directories should not be mounted from the host into a container without very good reason, as a compromised container (or just buggy code) could lead to undesired changes on the host. The allowedHostPaths parameter in PodSecurityPolicy allows you to limit what can be mounted and therefore made accessible to the container.

Disallow privileged access

Unless your container has a particular need for privileged Linux capabilities, privileged and allowPrivilegeEscalation should be false. Privileged access within a container is effectively the same as root access on the host.

Restrict System Calls

System calls can be very powerful, so they should be used with care. About a third of the system calls used in containers are unnecessary.

For instance, a popular system call is Ptrace. With it, one process can be used to control another, as well as change the memory. The call is largely used to debug code. If it were left in a container and the container were compromised, it would be a jackpot for an attacker.

Docker has done creating seccomp security profiles that address the system call problem. Secure computing mode (seccomp) is a Linux kernel feature. You can use it to restrict the actions available within the container. You can use this feature to restrict your application’s access. In Kubernetes, the use of seccomp profiles in pods can be controlled via annotations on the PodSecurityPolicy.

Resource Usage

Containers have multiple dimensions at runtime, such as a memory usage dimension, a CPU usage dimension, and other resource consumption dimensions.

Every container must declare its resource requirements and pass that information to the platform. These requirements are important information that affects how Kubernetes allocates workloads, and how those workloads are treated and prioritized when resources become constrained or while scaling up or down. In addition to passing the resource requirements of the container, it is also important that the application stay confined to the indicated resource requirements. If the application stays confined, the platform is less likely to consider it for termination and migration when resource starvation occurs.

Network Policies

Network Policies enable us to restrict the networking configuration associated with pods. By default, Kubernetes has an allow-all policy, and does not restrict the ability for pods to communicate with each other. You can use network policies to restrict pod-to-pod communication within Kubernetes. Additionally, you can restrict access to pods from the outside world. These policies allow for layer 3 network segmentation of pods.

Network policies can be used for a number of purposes. For example, separating workloads so they are not able to communicate with each other. Isolating production namespaces from dev/test/staging namespaces. Whitelisting or blocking incoming or outgoing network traffic to a workload.

Network Policies can be used to ensure a secure multi-tenant cluster. When applied properly, Pods and Services in a given namespace cannot access other Pods or Services in a different namespace.

While network policies can absolutely improve the security of a Kubernetes cluster, it does have some limitations as well which should be considered.

Due to some of these limitations, a new security approach has been developed called a Service Mesh. There are a number of available service meshes available today, but the general principles will be covered in the next section.

5.3 Securing Traffic

In an ideal world, the micro-services developer should only worry about the business functionality of a micro-service, and the rest should be handled by specialized components with less hassle. The API Gateway and Service Mesh are two architectural patterns that help us reach there.

The API Gateway pattern is mostly about edge security, while the Service Mesh pattern deals with service-to-service security. Or in other words the API Gateway deals with north/south traffic, while the Service Mesh deals with east/west traffic.

Securing North-South Traffic

North-South traffic indicates any traffic caused by the communication between the client/consumer applications and the APIs. To secure the north-south traffic, an API gateway is typically deployed at the edge of a network.

An API gateway is an API management tool that sits between a client and a collection of backend services at the edge of the network. The API gateway is the only entry point to micro-services for requests originating from outside. It selectively exposes the micro-services as APIs to the client applications, screens all incoming requests and authenticates/authorizes them. When the security screening at the edge is done, the end-user context is passed across to the upstream micro-services.

API gateway also enables the organization to

There are a lot of commercial and open source solutions that support these features, such as Tyk, Kong, Ambassador.

To authenticate the end users and authorize them the access, OAuth 2.0 is the best security protocol. At the edge, security is all about granting controlled access to resources. And if security is all about granting access to your resources, you need to figure out who wants access to your resources, for what purpose, and for how long.

In the case that the organization is not ready to adapt API Gateways, apps could be directly integrated with OAuth2 provider either programmatically using the 3rd party libraries or on Kubernetes by deploying OAuth2 proxy. In the case of Oauth2 proxy, an additional pod is deployed alongside the application pod that is responsible to handle the authentication requests. This later approach does not need any application code change.

Securing East-West Traffic

East-West traffic indicates the inter-micro-service communications. Securing this type of traffic has two main aspects:

Peer authentication is used for service-to-service authentication to verify the client making the connection. Mutual TLS helps clients and servers identify themselves to each other through TLS certificates. It also protects communications between two parties for confidentiality and integrity.

Request authentication is used for end-user authentication to verify the credential attached to the request. This is used when a request is made from the client to the server on behalf of the end users. In a services architecture, the typical way for services to communicate end-user or origin identity (the user logged in) is passing identity tokens like JSON Web Tokens (JWT). These tokens are given out to represent an authenticated user and the claims that user has.

A common way to enforce mTLS and JWT verification is through a Service Mesh pattern. A Service Mesh is an architectural pattern, which highlights the need of decoupling security, observability, routing control and resiliency from the micro-services implementation. For more information, please refer to the Service Mesh section.

Securing Asynchronous Traffic

Event-driven systems rely on data streams and the propagation of events in a system. For asynchronous events, we can build reactive micro-services, which are capable of reacting to events that occur in a system. The recipient micro-services are attentive to events that occur in the system and act accordingly based on the type of event that occurs.

Asynchronous communication can happen over any kind of messaging system, such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, ActiveMQ, or Google Pub/Sub. The traffic between the message broker and the micro-services need to be secured. To do so:

Use TLS to encrypt data in transit between the micro-services and the message broker.

Use mTLS to control which micro-services are permitted to connect to the message broker and to authenticate the clients connecting to it.

Define ACLs to enforce authorization. ACLs permit or deny various micro-services performing different types of actions on the message broker resources such as topics and queues.

5.4 Secure Coding Practices

Crypto Libraries

Don’t write your own crypto code!

Most of the time, when it comes to security you shouldn't try to roll your own new solutions and algorithms unless you’ve got strong and specific reasons to, and you’ve got people skilled enough to create something nearly as good as the open source tools already available (tools that have been heavily battle tested by the community).

In most cases, you should use NaCl/libsodium for encryption. It’s been around for several and it’s fast, easy to use, and secure. While the original implementation of NaCl is written in C, it also supports C++ and Python. And thanks to the libsodium fork, several adapters for other languages like PHP, Javascript, and Go are available.

If you’re working with Java or C#, your best bet is to go with Bouncy Castle.

Protect Production Branch

There are different ways to implement a branching strategy. What is important is to make sure that only the verified commits are merged into the git branch that presents the production environment. The commits that are merged into the production branch must be fully tested (from unit tests at the bottom of the testing stack to the end-to-end tests on top of the stack) before they are merged into the production.

API Security

Modern API-based applications are very different. More and more, the UI uses APIs to send and receive the data from the backend servers to provide the functions of the application. It is now the clients that do the rendering and maintain the state.

By nature, APIs expose application logic and sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and because of this have increasingly become a target for attackers.

The changes in the industry mentioned above have resulted in OWASP launching a separate project dedicated purely on API security. Now, the OWASP API Security Top 10 project focuses specifically on the top ten vulnerabilities in API security.


Object Level Authorization

Object level authorization is an access control mechanism that is usually implemented at the code level to validate that data being accessed is owned by by current authenticated user

Every API endpoint that receives an ID of an object, and performs any type of action on the object, should implement object level authorization checks. The checks should validate that the logged-in user does have access to perform the requested action on the requested object.

User Authentication

Authentication endpoints and flows are assets that need to be protected. “Forgot password / reset password” should be treated the same way as authentication mechanisms. APIs endpoints that are responsible for authentication must be treated differently from regular endpoints and implement extra layers of protection

An API is vulnerable if it:

Data Exposure

APIs rely on clients to perform the data filtering. Since APIs are used as data sources, sometimes developers try to implement them in a generic way without thinking about the sensitivity of the exposed data. Excessive Data Exposure commonly leads to exposure of sensitive data.

Resource and Rate Limiting

API requests consume resources such as network, CPU, memory, and storage. The amount of resources required to satisfy a request greatly depends on the user input and endpoint business logic. Also, consider the fact that requests from multiple API clients compete for resources. It’s common to find APIs that do not implement rate limiting or APIs where limits are not properly set.

Function Level Authorization

Some micro-services expose administrative APIs that could be exploited by the attackers. The attackers send legitimate API calls to the API endpoint that they should not have access to.

Your application should have a consistent and easy to analyze authorization module that is invoked from all your micro-services. Frequently, such protection is provided by one or more components external to the application code.

Mass Assignment

Modern frameworks encourage developers to use functions that automatically bind input from the client into code variables and internal objects. Attackers can use this methodology to update or overwrite sensitive object’s properties that the developers never intended to expose. Exploitation may lead to privilege escalation, data tampering, bypass of security mechanisms, and more.

Many frameworks offer their own mechanisms for trying to address these types of issues. For example, Ruby on Rails offers Strong Parameters to help developers mitigate some of these risks. Be sure to find and follow the best practices for your chosen frameworks.

Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration can happen at any level of the API stack, from the network level to the application level. Security misconfigurations can not only expose sensitive user data, but also system details that may lead to full server compromise.

The API might be vulnerable if:

  1. Appropriate security hardening is missing across any part of the application stack, or if it has improperly configured permissions on cloud services.

  2. The latest security patches are missing, or the systems are out of date.

  3. Unnecessary features are enabled (e.g., HTTP verbs).

  4. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is missing.

  5. Security directives are not sent to clients (e.g., Security Headers).

  6. A Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy is missing or improperly set.

  7. Error messages include stack traces, or other sensitive information is exposed.

The API life cycle should include:



Injection flaws are very common and are often found in SQL, LDAP, or NoSQL queries, OS commands, XML parsers, and ORM. These flaws are easy to discover when reviewing the source code. Attackers can use scanners and fuzzers. Injection can lead to information disclosure and data loss. It may also lead to DoS, or complete host takeover.

Preventing injection requires keeping data separate from commands and queries.

Improper Asset Management

Lack of APIs inventory and deprecation strategies leads to running unpatched APIs, resulting in leakage of sensitive data. Attackers may gain access to sensitive data, or even take over the server through old, unpatched API versions connected to the same database.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Without logging and monitoring, or with insufficient logging and monitoring, it is almost impossible to track suspicious activities and respond to them in a timely fashion. Without visibility over on-going malicious activities, attackers have plenty of time to fully compromise systems.

Error Handling

Improper handling of errors can introduce a variety of security problems for a web site. The most common problem is when detailed internal error messages such as stack traces, database dumps, and error codes are displayed to the user (hacker). These messages reveal implementation details that should never be revealed. Such details can provide hackers important clues on potential flaws in the site and such messages are also disturbing to normal users.

The errors must be handled according to a well thought out scheme that will provide a meaningful error message to the user, diagnostic information to the site maintainers, and no useful information to an attacker. Error handling should not focus solely on input provided by the user, but should also include any errors that can be generated by internal components such as system calls, database queries, or any other internal functions.

Ensure that the site is built to gracefully handle all possible errors. When errors occur, the site should respond with a specifically designed result that is helpful to the user without revealing unnecessary internal details.

Single Page Application

Single Page Applications (SPAs) as the latest evolution in web application design. With SPAs, the single HTML page is broken up into sections and JavaScript code running in the web browser calls various APIs on a server that return data. The JavaScript libraries then take this data and update the HTML on the page according to the presentation logic the developer coded into the application.

Compared to a traditional Web, App, DB model, the SPA model forces you to account for application APIs being publicly exposed, instead of being internal to the server side architecture. Because more of the APIs are exposed to the client instead of just between two tiers of an application architecture, there is an additional attack surface being introduced that should be recognized.

SPAs are responsive and easy to deploy. However, they impose new security risks.

  1. SPAs are causing many companies to publish public APIs for the first time, or to increase the number of publicly exposed APIs which must be protected from unauthorized access.

  2. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks – occur when a vulnerable application allows arbitrary javascript code to be injected and executed on your page. This often occurs through the form fields on the page.

To resolve these issues:

  1. Use SSL and OAuth 2 tokens (with the expiry policy) to protect your APIs and the data in transit

  2. Continuously checking your frontend code for security vulnerabilities. Scanning of frontend dependencies is done by default by the JavaScript package manager npm, anda tool such as OWASP ZAP is excellent for inspecting the communication the frontend has with the api for unsafe practices.

5.5 Architecting Your Application for Cloud

In this section, we highlight some principles to build cloud-native applications. The purpose of these principles is to help you create scalable, resilient and portable micro-services that could be easily deployed and monitored on the Cloud.

Single Concern Principle

This principle dictates that every container should address a single concern and do it well. If you need to address multiple concerns, you can use patterns such as sidecar and init-containers.

The main motivation for this principle is container image reuse and replaceability. If you create a container that addresses a single concern, and it does it in a feature-complete way, the chances are higher that the container image will be reused in the future.

Immutable Container Images

One of the principles of Docker containers is that an image is immutable — once built, it’s unchangeable, and if you want to make changes, you’ll get a new image as a result.

Immutable principle of images enables the team to create an image once and reuse it multiple times in different environments.

The immutable principle of the images also implies that the image should not contain any environment-specific configuration. Ideally, the application code is stored in a git repo while a separate repo is used to maintain the configurations. This approach ensures that the sensitive configuration information is not leaked unintentionally. It also simplifies the access control over the repositories: dev team has only access to the code repo while the devSecOps team is granted the access to the config repositories.

Self-Contained Image

One factor of 12-factor app manifesto is to define and isolate the dependencies. For the docker images, this means that a container should contain the containerized application as well as everything it needs to run it such as the language runtime, the application platform and other dependencies. The container images should ideally be as minimal as possible and should not include software or technologies which are not needed to run the application. Ideally, you are not using a large distribution, such as Ubuntu, as they increase the attack surface as well as slow down your CI/CD pipelines due to the large size of the image. If you are able to use a bare bones container image, such as Scratch or Alpine as your base image, it will limit the attack surface and speed up your build pipelines.

If you are building your container images with your CI/CD pipeline, it is recommended that the build tools are not in your final image. Instead, you should build the application artifacts in a build image and then copy those application artifacts into a minimal image for your release artifact. An example of this approach can be reviewed in this blog post.

The only exceptions are things such as configurations and secrets, which vary between different environments and must be provided at runtime; for example, through Kubernetes ConfigMap.

Lifecycle Conformance

This principle dictates that your application should have a way to read the events coming from the platform. Moreover, the container should react to those events.

There are all kinds of events coming from the managing platform that are intended to help you manage the lifecycle of your container. It is up to your application to decide which events to handle and whether to react to those events or not. For example, any application that requires a clean shutdown process needs to catch signal: terminate (SIGTERM) messages and shut down as quickly as possible. This is to avoid the forceful shutdown through a signal: kill (SIGKILL) that follows a SIGTERM.

There are also other events, such as PostStart and PreStop, that might be significant to your application life-cycle management. For example, some applications need to warm up before service requests and some need to release resources before shutting down cleanly.

Process Disposability

Pods are volatile and they can be killed and spun up quite often. This means that containerized applications must be stateless and externalize their state to a persistent data store that is accessible by all containers.

To maximize the robustness and the resiliency of the system, it is important that the containers have a fast startup. To shorten the startup time, the amount of work on the container startup should be minimized. Moreover, the docker images must be kept small by using the container-optimized images, such as Alpine, as the base image. This reduces container size, build time, and networking time when copying container images. Additionally, small containers reduce the attack surfaces and expose less vulnerabilities.

5.6 Securing Container Images

Scan Images for Vulnerabilities

The software that you run in your Kubernetes cluster gets there in the form of container images. It is recommended to check that your images:

  1. Don’t include known critical vulnerabilities

  2. Are the images you intended to use, and haven’t been manipulated or replaced by a third party

  3. Meet other image policy requirements your organization might have in place

  4. Has only packages that are absolutely necessary. The small container images reduce the attack surface and are faster to startup.

To detect vulnerabilities, you need to use a container image scanner. The basic function of a container image scanner is to inspect the packages included in an image, and report on any known vulnerabilities included in those packages.

To ensure that you’re not running vulnerable code in your deployment, you should scan any third-party container images as well as the ones built by your own organization. Your CI pipeline should include policies that flag images with issues discovered by security scans so that your team can take appropriate action to address those issues sooner rather than later. New vulnerabilities continue to be found in existing software, so it’s important to rescan your images on a regular basis.

Advanced solutions may also use dynamic admission control to ensure that images are deployed only if they have been scanned, and the scan was successful. From Kubernetes 1.9, dynamic admission controllers allow for flexible, extensible mechanisms for making checks before allowing a resource to be deployed to a cluster.

Image scanning can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline to automate the process of rejecting images based on scanning for known vulnerabilities. However, this is not a comprehensive solution and should be used in conjunction with other security scanning practices. For example, it is a good practice to periodically scan images in the container registry as this type of scanning can incorporate more recent known issues which may have become apparent after the CI process has completed. Additionally, there are a number of different types of scans which can be run on images in the image registry which can check for more than just vulnerabilities, such as compliance or open source license violations. It is best to have a defense in depth strategy when it comes to securing container images.

Patch Container Image

Once you have discovered a vulnerable container image, you need to update the container to use a fixed version of the package.

True to the philosophy of treating container images as immutable, “patching” in a container deployment is building a new image, and then deploying the containers based on that new image. The build is typically automated through a continuous integration (CI) pipeline.

Container Image Storage

It is recommended to store your images in a private registry which is protected by credentials and is not exposed to the internet. This will give you greater control over who has access to your images. A private registry should give you fine-grained, role-based access control, allowing you to precisely define the conditions under which access is allowed to each role. This kind of granularity is a necessity for production, but it is also important across the development cycle.

Additionally, by referencing images from a private repository, you are able to minimize the impact of public images changing and breaking your security model or CI/CD workflow. If you depend on a public image and it is removed, your application can not be deployed again until a replacement is found. If you pull the public images to the private repository, in addition to security validation, you are also able to ensure that your application can always be deployed.

Image Signing

Image signing also provides a means of validating where a container image came from, checking that the image has not been tampered with, and setting policies to determine which validated images you will allow to be pulled to your systems. Several projects aim to help with the problem of ensuring the provenance of the application software running in a deployment:

Container Registry Scanning

The best way to detect malicious code and flag known vulnerabilities is by scanning the containers in a registry on a regular basis. Large public registries often include scanning futures. For private registries, you can use third-party scanning services (such as those provided by Twistlock).

A registry scanner can scan new images and periodically scan existing images to identify potential vulnerabilities, generate alerts and block the use of untrusted images and assist you in maintaining a secure and high-quality collection of images.

For adequate security, a registry should also include a way of auditing container images for outdated code and known vulnerabilities and identifying outdated containers based on the audit results.

5.7 Observability

Health Check and Auto Healing

The application should expose APIs for the runtime environment to observe the container health and act accordingly. This API could be used by Liveness/Readiness probes of Kubernetes to make a service more robust and more resilient, by reducing operational issues and improving the quality of service.

In practical terms, at a very minimum, your containerized application must provide APIs for health checks—liveness and readiness. Kubernetes uses liveness probes to know when to restart a container. If a container is unresponsive—perhaps the application is deadlocked due to a multi-threading defect—restarting the container can make the application more available, despite the defect.

Kubernetes uses readiness probes to decide when the container is available for accepting traffic. The readiness probe is used to control which pods are used as the backends for a service. A pod is considered ready when all of its containers are ready.


Application and systems logs can help you understand what is happening inside your cluster. The logs are particularly useful for debugging problems and monitoring cluster activity. The easiest logging method for containerized applications is to write to the standard output and standard error streams.

The native functionality provided by a container engine is usually not enough for a complete logging solution. For example, if a container crashes, a pod is evicted, or a node dies, you’ll usually still want to access your application’s logs. As such, logs should have a separate storage and lifecycle independent of nodes, pods, or containers. This concept is called cluster-level-logging. Cluster-level logging requires a separate backend to store, analyze, and query logs. Kubernetes provides no native storage solution for log data, but you can integrate many existing logging solutions (such as ELK, Graylog, etc) into your Kubernetes cluster.

The logging is a platform concern, not a developer one; we recommend not to use libraries inside the micro-services to programmatically ship logs to a backend logging solution.

Monitoring and Custom Metrics

The observability metrics should be used that give the operations team the ability to determine if the production deployment is functioning correctly. It’s important to note that monitoring in this section does not include system metrics (i.e. cpu, memory, disk monitoring). While these metrics are important, they do not specifically point to an issue with the deployed application/service. The important elements to catch in application monitoring are:

Typical metrics that are important in this context are:


One of the biggest challenges with micro-services is the observability in a distributed system. Tools such as Jaeger, which implements the Opentracing standard, provides cluster users the ability to view, for each transaction, the latency encountered on every instrumented application or service (e.g. database, queue, ingress) including “databags” that can be defined by a developer for troubleshooting purposes.

Tracing defines a trace which represents the life of a request in a distributed system. A trace is composed of one or multiple spans, which represents an individual unit of work (e.g. do a database lookup using a SELECT statement). A global ID is assigned to a trace and is propagated to each of the spans that make up the trace. This allows a tracing system, like Jaeger, to enable a detailed view of issues and latency if ever an issue is detected. The following image shows these concepts visually:

5.8 Secrets Management

Secrets management is a critical component of container security. A secret, in the context of containers, is any information that will put your organization, customer or application at risk if exposed to an unauthorized person or entity. This includes API keys, ssh keys, passwords, etc.

Micro-services brings with it a host of security and secrets management challenges.

There is a need for secrets to be managed centrally for an application architecture so the micro-services model can effectively manage secrets and handle security breaches by adhering to these must-dos:

Kubernetes offers the Secret object to solve some of these challenges. It provides basic security capabilities such as:

The Kubernetes project however documented several security risks affecting the built-in Kubernetes secrets mechanism, which users should pay attention to:

Secret Management Tools

Here are some popular tools that can help you achieve better security and usability for secrets. Their primary value is that they provide a centralized, robust mechanism for encrypting secrets and granting access to secrets. All these tools support Kubernetes, but they are not purpose-built for container workloads.

Secret management solutions fall into two broad categories:

To keep your micro-services secrets safe without compromising on security and automation

Secret Rotation

Secrets that stay the same for a long period of time are more likely to be compromised. As more users get access to a secret, it’s possible that someone has mishandled and leaked it to an unauthorized entity. Secrets can be leaked through logs and cache data. They could be shared for debugging purposes and not changed or revoked once the debugging is complete. They could be cracked by hackers. For all these reasons, secrets should be rotated frequently.

Automate Password Creation

The way passwords and access keys are created is vital to their security. Humans manually creating passwords is a recipe for disaster. According to Troy Hunt, 85% of passwords are insecure. The only way to combat bad passwords is to use automated machine-generated passwords that are unique and can’t be easily cracked. Today, most secrets management tools have automated password generation as a default feature.

5.9 Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Commit Signing

When you sign a Git commit, you can prove that the code you submitted came from you and wasn't altered while you were transferring it. You also can prove that you submitted the code and not someone else. It helps protect you from an attacker who might otherwise inject malicious code into your codebase.

Last Password Protection

Secret management solutions (such as HashiCorp Vault) are reliable tools that could be used to store the application secrets. These tools, however, need your application to use an authentication mechanism (such as certificate) to prove its identity to the secret server. The authentication secrets (which is often called the last password) should be managed outside of the secret management solutions and be protected. The last passwords are often managed manually in the CI/CD tool. Therefore, it is important to secure your CI/CD variables and allow a few people to have access to them.

Integrate Security Testing in Pipeline

DevSecOps is the process of integrating security into the entire application development process — when there’s an ideal opportunity to fortify your app from the inside out against potential threats.

Testing applications in development for potential vulnerabilities is a critical element of DevSecOps, as it allows you to identify security flaws before they can be exploited. The security testing could be done on different levels:


Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis is a method of code debugging without executing the code itself (without running the program). Static analysis can help to check if the code adheres to industry best practices and prevent malpractices.

Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic code analysis is a software testing mechanism that evaluates a program during real-time execution. Unlike static code analysis, the software needs to be run and used either by a human or by automated scripts for tools to be able to perform dynamic code analysis.

Third-Party Dependencies

Third-party dependencies make up 80% of the code you deploy to production. Many of the libraries we use to develop software depend on other libraries. Transitive dependencies lead to a (sometimes) large chain of dependencies, some of which might have security vulnerabilities.

You can use a scanning program on your source code repository to identify vulnerable dependencies. You should scan for vulnerabilities in your deployment pipeline, in your primary line of code, in released versions of code, and in new code contributions.

Source code scanning can be handled in a number of ways. Github offers some basic security scanning, such as dependency and credential scanning, which can help catch some security concerns. Additionally, many languages provide different levels of scanning which can be added to your CI process to ensure you are taking advantage of the features they make available. For example, Python offers the pipenv check command, and Ruby offers the bundle audit command. It is recommended to take a defense in depth approach when it comes to securing your source code and the resulting images used for deployments.



A good practice is to use automation to scan all images before they are stored in a container registry, flagging any images that fail the scan. Docker also offers Linter to check Dockerfile syntax and best practice.


There are tools (such as kube-bench and kube-hunter) that enable the DevOps team to verify whether Kubernetes is deployed securely by running some checks.

Manifests and Templates

Sensitive information should not be stored in pod-type YAML resources (deployments, pods, sets, etc.), and sensitive configmaps and secrets should be encrypted with tools such as helm secret plugin, git-crypt, sealed secrets, or cloud provider KMS.

Static analysis of YAML configuration can be used to establish a baseline for runtime security. kubesec generates risk scores for resources.

5.10 Infrastructure as Code

Configuration management refers to the process by which all configurations of your project are stored, retrieved, uniquely identified, and modified.

A configuration is any item that needs to be configured and managed in order for the project to be successful. This includes Source code, scripts, test data, infrastructure and application configuration, libraries, packages, documentation, firewall rules, …

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) aims to define the desired state of a system as facts, not instructions. With your infra declared as states, the infra team is able to version control the system states in Git, and you have a single source of truth. This simplifies the auditability of changes. All changes to the environments could be audited and tracked by looking into the SCM history. Traditionally, IaC is the practice of automating the infrastructure required to run your application stack through the use of tools such as Terraform, and potentially doing configuration management on the deployed infrastructure (VMs) using tools such as Ansible.

Configuration Management ensures that the environment provisioning is reproducible and traceable. It also enables the team to spin up an environment automatically, and makes it easy to roll back to the previous version in the case of disaster.

With systems able to be fully described in code and placed under version control, systems can be built that continually update themselves to reflect the contents of a source code repository. Known as GitOps, this approach originally focused on application lifecycle management, but projects like Crossplane and Google’s Config Connector are applying this methodology to the fundamental architecture supporting the application deployment.


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