Language selection


This is the latest working copy of this guidance.


Contribute your ideas to the Goverment of Canada Guidance on Open Standards here.

Open Standards Guidance


A Standard is a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.

An Open Standard is a Standard that focuses on development in the spirit of Openness, Transparency, Collaboration and Due Process freely.

1. Openness

It is accessible in full by the public and usable without constraint.

2. Transparency

Notice of its proposed development activities are given to the public in advance. The records of decisions, the materials used to reach those decisions and the implementation details are easily accessible and do not withhold information.

3. Due Process

Development decisions are reached with impartiality, equity, and fairness among participants. Feedback is gathered as broadly as possible. All interested parties have the opportunity to contribute and no party unfairly dominates the decision-making process.

4. Collaboration

The decision-making process is respectful, collaborative, and consensus-based. The process is not dependent on a single supplier or organization.

5. Availability

The standard is reached free from discrimination against persons or endeavour. The specifications of the standard are freely available in an open, accessible format.